scar reduction

*prices ex.VAT
Scar Microneedling


£150 – £250






£150 – £300



£150 – £300



* Before each in-person consultation, we offer a free online consultation during which we provide you with a quote for the therapy. The therapy consists of treatments scheduled once every 4-6 weeks.

The procedure should be done in a series, and we check the first results after a minimum of three treatments. The durability of the effect is highly individual and depends on the skin, metabolism, and strict adherence to the given recommendations. The fact that the outcome of the procedure depends not only on the person performing it but also on the individual characteristics of the skin and the client’s post treatment care makes the effect not fully predictable or guaranteed.

Each treatment is personalised to the client’s needs and can be different from each other, depending on how the skin responds.


If you have had your lips/face volumetry (chin, cheeks,jaw) done in a past please sent us pics & inform your aesthetic technician! If you will book your appointment without sending pictures we might cancel your app on the day with non refundable booking fee. Consultation cost £50 or is inc. your treatment price.

If you have previous filler migration (and you not dissolved your lips/face properly), we may cancel your appointment on app day with non refundable booking fee (£50), constulation cost. *After you have dissolved your lips please wait as long as possible to let your lips heal properly in case to avoid potential product migration (connection tissue needs to heal completely) Your technician is not taking any responsibility for product migration after dissolving. We recommend to wait min. 6 weeks if you dissolved your lips/face in our clinic and min. 8 weeks if somewhere else.

ABOUT DERMAL FILLER PROCEDURE: Lip augmentation/Face volumetry is a cosmetic procedure. These days, an injectable dermal filler is the most commonly used method of lip augmentation/face volumetry. There are many types of dermal fillers that can be injected in your lips/face. But the most common fillers today are products that contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. It helps increase volume in your lips. These types of dermal fillers are sometimes called “hyaluronic acid fillers.”

CONTRAIDICATIONS: Before undergoing lip augmentation/face volumetry you should be in good health and a non-smoker. You may not be a candidate for lip augmentation/face volumetry if you are :

*Pregnant , breast-feeding, you have cancer and autoimmune diseases, acne and skin infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hemophilia, skin inflammation in the area of presumed injections

*The skin’s tendency to form keloid scars

*Presence of permanent fillers in the corrected zones, such as silicone or biopolymers

*Allergy to the components of the agent

*Recent usage of laser or chemical peeling.

*Allergy to the acid and lidocaine

* An active infection such as oral herpes

* Diabets

* Lupus

* Blood- clotting problems

* If you have ever had a cold sore(oral herpes) any time in the past, you should tell your aesthetic technician before undergoing the procedure. If you have any known allergies or are allergic to lidocaine, tell your aesthetic technician before undergoing the procedure.

Also, tell your aesthetic technician about any medications you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements.

PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY CONTRAINDICATIONS! WILL IT HURT? A pre numb will be used for 5-15 minutes prior to the procedure to help minimise any initial discomfort. Here at Velvet Aesthetics we use only the best products on the market, ensuring the smoothest of consistency and ease of injection.

WILL THERE BE SWELLING? You may experience redness, bruising or swelling in the injected area. These effects should not last longer than 2 weeks. Light makeup can be applied 24 hours after procedure. If you easly bruising – please take arnica pills 1 week before your appointment.

LONGEVITY/DURATION: Every individual is different. What may give an immediate result on one client may take two or three sessions to achieve on another. Likewise, what may last 1 year on one client may last less than 12 weeks on another. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how many sessions each individual will need to achieve their desired result and therefore cannot be held accountable if several sessions are needed. The results of your treatment durability are influenced by several genetic, lifestyle factors, skin type, metabolism etc completely out of our control. Aesthetics is an art process – not an exact science. Filler take time to build up, regardless of what effect you want to achieve. Please be patient and expect to visit frequently for top ups (regular price) over the first year to build a base. This will help ensure your treatment area lasts longer and once that base is in place – should need less maintenance in the future. Please remember we can only enhance our natural future. Is it not possible to completely change them. Any treatment should be looking at as improvement rather than a cure. Is it not always possible to create the desired look if your facial anatomy and genetics do not allow. Please remember our faces/lips are not symmetrical and sometimes no amount of filler can correct this – in some case it may make it appear worse. Your aesthetic practitioner will best advice on the day of the treatment but as always there is no guarantee. If you will be unsatisfied with the results and required dissolving, your aesthetic practitioner will not cover any expenses. Also please remember, that is not your final result – Any injection causes an inflammatory response. This can easily cause disappointment over the following weeks because as the swelling subsides, the treatment area may look significantly less plump than it looked immediately after injection. The filler has not dissolved nor disappeared, you have not wasted your money. The filler has simply sunken and formed a layer at the base of your treatment area. As mentioned before many clients find they need two or three sessions in order to layer filler on top of one another – until the filler no longer has room to sink – leaving you with a fuller look. It is a process, not just a procedure.

POSSIBLE REACTIONS CONNECTED WITH INJECTION: Before undergoing this procedure, understanding the risks is essential. No procedure is completely risk-free. The following risks of injection may occur: redness, swellings, pain, itching, bruising, tenderness at the sites of the injections. Side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and should only last a few days. I am also aware that I can have a lumps even after full healing process. Typically, the final result is visible in about 50-60 days after your injections.

UNWANED SYMPTOMS: The most common unwanted symptoms that may occur after using hyaluronic gel to1 in 10000 people in 1 in 2000 treatments are as follows: swellings, bruising, Erythema, ‘thick ‘feeling at or under the skin, pain and tenderness. Uncommon reactions that are reported to be 1 to 50000 treatments include: infections, inflammatory reactions, discolouration, lumps and bumps. Very rare reactions that can occur post procedure include: itching, hypersensitivity, reactivation of herpes (cold sores), acne-like lesions, Granuloma formation, Lumpiness, bumps puffiness, swelling of the face, urticaria, inflammatory skin disease, atrophic epidermis, scarring, short-time effect, ischaemia, localized necrosis and telangiectasia. In extremely rare, single cases, short-term visual impairments have been reported as a result of accidental intra-arterial filler injection in the upper areas of the face. There has also been noted inflammatory reaction with symptoms such as redness, swellings, hypersensitiveness and lumpiness at the sites of the injections. These unwanted symptoms may occur straight or even 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure. In the areas affected by inflammation short-term corticosteroids treatment is recommended. If clinical symptoms or reactions already occurred at an earlier stage, the cause of such reaction should be considered first before a decision is made in relation to the treatment. In clinical studies of the black population the change of the pigmentation has been reported as a result of proinflammatory lesions. Before using the product, it is necessary to inform the client about potential side effects of the product.

SIDE EFFECTS AND RISKS: Side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and should only last a few days. They may include: * Bleeding from the injection sites * Swelling and bruising * Redness and tenderness at the site of the injection * Reactivation of cold sores or fever blisters (herpes simplex) of the lips or area surrounding the lips

MANAGING EXPECTATIONS: Please remember we can only enhance our natural features. It is not possible to completely change them. Any treatment should be looked at as an improvement rather than a cure. Please have realistic expectations as to what can be achieved. We are only able to work with your existing anatomy and tissues as they are. We are not able to change your face, nor re- produce work we have done on others, on yourself. Your face is unique. As with any treatment it comes with risks. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these risks in order for you to make an informed decision. Although good results are expected, it is possible that after treatment that the face may appear uneven as some areas may be greater affected by the product than others. It is also possible that the treatment does not last as long as expected. The results of your dermal filler treatment is dependant on several factors including but not limited too: genetics, metabolism, age, medical history and natural anatomy. It is because of this that there is no guarantee on the results that can be obtained through treatment. As with any treatment, dissatisfaction remains a real risk. So is not always possible to create the desired look if your facial anatomy and genetics do not allow. Please remember our lips/faces are not symmetrical and sometimes no amount of filler can correct this – in some cases it may make it appear worse. Your technician will best advise on the day of your treatment but as always there is no guarantee. If you have previous filler in your lips – please remember that we can’t ‚repair’ – we advice to dissolve your lips first. If you have had your lips dissolved please also remember that is not possible to achieve same results as on ‘virgin’ (never injected lips before) also please remember that your organism may dissolve injected HA much faster and you may need more appointments to build your lips than the person with virgin lips. After dissolving we advice to wait minimum 6 – 8 weeks– that’s how long takes your lip tissue healing process. (as long as you will wait, you will have less chance for a future filler migration)

+ If you will be late more then 5mins your app will be cancelled and booking fee will not be returned.

+ Please bring your ID!! no ID = no treatment. All clients must be 18 years old at the time of treatment. It is a legal requirement that we see a Valid ID prior to treatment. If you are not able to provide ID when asked we will not be able proceed with treatment and you will lose your booking fee.

+ We require NON REFUNDABLE booking tee (£30/50€)

+ We cannot accept bookings made on behalf of someone else. We are not able to transfer bookings or booking fees to another individual.

+ Due to our insurance company policy we DO NOT allow kids in our salon/clinic/injecting room.

+ If you will have a cold sore – Your app will be cancelled (it’s contraindication to process with the treatment) and booking fee will be lost. So please prevent your potential cold sore before an appointment – go to Your GP and ask for a pills that you should take a few days prior your treatment, on treatment day and after the treatment!

+ If you paid the booking fee for a specific treatment you can’t change your mind on a day as we reserved exact time for you. Changing the treatment in last minute will cost you extra £100 on top of the original price. Please be 100% sure with what you want to avoid any extra charges.

+ Clients who fail to give 3 days notice or show up to their appointment will be required to pay up front for future appointments.

+ Clients/Patients from abroad: Please remember that we cannot always facilitate cover in the event of an emergency. Please understand that In the rare event a clinic is re-arranged or cancelled by Velvet Aesthetics, that Velvet Aesthetics will not reimburse travel nor cover further expenses that may be incurred as a result. Please consider this, especially if you are travelling from abroad.



+ Have had or are planning to have a Corona Vaccination or booster, or any other flu injections within the two week period before, and three week period after scheduled treatment. +have flu symptoms or covid on appointment day (we will require covid PCR test and only if you will have positive results we will move your appointment and you will not lost your booking fee)

+ Have severe active acne in the treatment area and/or those using steroids, chemical peels or retinol in the two weeks prior to appointment.

+ Have an active cold sore/oral herpes on day of treatment

+ Have been on anti-biotics within the past two weeks for facial/oral infection.

+ Are immunocompromised and/or unwell on the day of the appointment Flu/Cold/Virus (to prevent complications ).

+ Have had facial surgery in the past 12 months.

+ Have had dermal filler elsewhere or not dissolved treatment area properly( there is a risk of complications with mixing products )

+ Are undergoing, or have received chemotherapy within the last 6 months/or are on any auto-immune medication. Auto Immune medication must be stopped 6 months prior with a doctor’s note.

+ If we feel are not ready, or suitable for treatment – your travel and any other expenses will be NOT covered by Velvet Aesthetics.


To book your space we require £30/50€/200zl *

*non-refundable booking fee via bank transfer or paypal as soon as possible to guarantee your space. Your space is only guaranteed once the payment has been completed.


(your name/surename, telephone number and instagram name (if you booked via IG)

T&C: Paid booking fee means that you agreed with our policy.

*REBOOKING: If, for any Serious or Major reason / circumstance, you need to rebook your space date please remember that we require a 21 day notice period, or a new booking fee will become payable. You will also need to prove why you needed to change your appointment date. If you do need to cancel or rearrange your appointment, please message me on instagram/facebook/WhatsApp/e-mail (same way where you have booked your appointment).

Please message us stating the following:

• That you wish to cancel or *rearrange

• Your full name

• Your telephone number

• The date of your appointment / City

• Reason of your cancellation/rebooking.

Thank you for your understanding.

To book your space we require £50/200zl*

*non-refundable booking fee via bank transfer or paypal as soon as possible to guarantee your space. Your space is only guaranteed once the payment has been completed.

WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PAYMENT PLEASE MESSAGE US YOUR DETAILS. (your name/surename, telephone number and instagram name (if you booked via IG)



If, for any Serious or Major reason / circumstance, you need to rebook your space date please remember that we require a 21 day notice period, or a new booking fee will become payable. You will also need to prove why you needed to change your appointment date.

If you do need to cancel or rearrange your appointment, please message me on instagram/facebook/WhatsApp/e-mail (same way where you have booked your appointment).

Please message us stating the following:

• That you wish to cancel or *rearrange

• Your full name

• Your telephone number

• The date of your appointment/City

• Reason of your cancellation/rebooking.

Thank you for your understanding