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Our Signature Velvet Lips/Russian Lips – Advanced Injecting Technique tutorial demonstrates an advanced needle technique. I have created this technique having attended and completed almost 30 training courses with the TOP World Aesthetic Practicioners & Doctors.


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The information provided is only opinions of Velvet Beauty & Aesthetics Ltd. and must not be relied upon, all warranties are excluded.
Do not use techniques shown without consulting a qualified medical professional first. Under no circumstances will Velvet Beauty & Aesthetics Ltd. be liable for any loss or damages including loss of profits, loss of business or any indirect or consequential loss arising as a result of any reliance or purported reliance on the techniques shown.
Any liability for death or personal injury is excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.
By purchasing this video I acknowledge the above and understand that this video is non refundable under any circumstances and is not a substitute for professional training or accreditation.
All copyrights are owned by Velvet Beauty & Aesthetics Ltd. and must not be sold on or reproduced.
I understand that this video is a tutorial only and does not qualify me to inject or get insurance.
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